The DrumWrapper, our exclusive drum covering laminate roller and press manual machine for drum manufacturers, custom drum builders, drum repair shops, and hobbyists is back in production.

Now manufactured by FullBore Machine and Fabrication in Tacoma Washington, the new and improved model, (pictures soon - not the first generation above) is lighter, has better parts, is designed on cad and built partially on cnc machines so all replacement parts will be uniform. The price has been lowered too! $1400 plus shipping, which is $200 less than the machine'slast price in the 2000s. Shipping should be a good bit less because of the lighter weight and because the new design allows for shipping flat and more compact in a wood-lined box instead of on a pallet. The operation is the same, just with better design and parts.
The first one has been built and sold to, drum roll please, Bill Ludwig III's WFL drum company factory in Kansas City. We are predicting an output of four to five builds a month. There is a waiting list. Call today to get your order in. George Lawrence 330 338 6035. They are also being distributed by Precision Drum Company. There are plenty of references from present owners of the first generation model.
Operation: If you have ever tried to glue laminate on a round cylinder you know how frustrating it can be to handle the piece and the shell at the same time and how hard it is to assure proper alignment of the laminate. This machine allows one worker, instead of two, to do all steps of the covering or recovering process in half the usual time while holding the shell in one place. (Except for cutting the laminate. It is better to cut laminate on a flat surface with heavy duty shears or a hinged blade on a cutting table.) It also allows the worker to leave the job at any time and come back to it later. The stand can also be used for other jobs where a drum shell needs to be held stationary. The rollers will accept a 24" long shell and a 36" in diameter shell. Optional roller wheels are available.
Please ask for free recovering instructions pdf.