Nashville Drummers George Lawrence and Josh Hallock
From a post in the Nashville Drummers Facebook Group of about 1500 members:
Josh Hallock left Nashville today with a full trailer load of gear for drummers in Houston who had lost their instruments in the Irma hurricane and flood. We are still short a few pieces and short $180 for gas. Of the $220 cash that was donated so far, $100 went to shipping for four boxes to Houston a few weeks back and the remainder $120 went to Josh for the $300 gas bill that he is racking up driving there and back. So we are asking for donations of instruments/hardware listed below and cash donations for the gas expense. We will also be selling odds and end pieces of gear that have already been donated to buy items on that list and to pay for gas. This was part of the donation agreement. As soon as that goal is met, the remaining gear will stay in the “drum bank” until the next need arises.
We coordinated this trip with drummer Stephen Vance in Houston to whom we had shipped a snare drum, bass drum pedal, a drummer’s throne and other items earlier. Stephen knew of three other drummers who had lost a lot, if not all, of their gear.
This time we sent a Mapex Pro M drum set with hardware, cymbals and bags that was donated by United Methodist pastor Glenn Hamilton of Lexington Ohio, who drove all the way from there to Nashville on oct. 20th to deliver it. He and I and DRUM! magazine editor, Andy Doerschuk ,had dinner together that evening. Glenn wrote, ”In loving memory of Leslie Hamilton, I have donated a Mapex M-Birch kit, Zildjan cymbals, and drum hardware to benefit drummers in Houston or Florida who lost their gear due to hurricanes and flooding. The drumming community is a special group of people who care for one another. I am proud to be a part of it.” We are proud of you being part of the drumming community, Glenn. Your set is going to Terry Herman. Stephen Vance told us, “I know a guy named Terry Herman whom is an older drummer. He plays jazz & gospel music and plays at his Church. He is borrowing a drum kit to keep his gigs, but it's a CB-700 so I'm sure anything you could help with would be better than what he's using currently & all of his hardware was ruined as well.” I’m sure Glenn will be glad to hear that his kit is going to be used in a church.
Another kit went to gigging drummer, Todd Gershbien, who lost a lot of gear in the flood. We sent Todd a “Frankenstein” kit (different colors) of Pearl Masters Custom drums that were donated by Frank Cothran, along with stands, bags, cymbals and pedals that were donated by various members of the Nashville Drummers Group and the Berklee College of Music Percussion Department.
Another drummer, Marty Crawford, requested some gear of mostly hand drums and we did not have what he needed on hand, but did send some hardware he requested.
We were not able to replace 100% of what these guys lost, so we will now do a second drive to complete that list. You can contact me to drop items and/or cash by my house, bring them to the Nashville Drummers Lunch on Wednesday, or pay donations through this site…
Here is a list of what they lost that could not be replaced this trip.
For Marty:
a cajon
a djembe hand drum,
a set of bongos 2 crash cymbals4 different sized cowbells.
For Stephen Vance:
22 inch kick drum bag
drum microphones
rolling hardware bag
A couple of crash cymbals
For Terry:
a splash cymbal
For Todd:
two splash cymbals
double pedal (we did send the primary half of a DW 5000, so a slave and connecting shaft for that would complete it).
We also sent a big box of sticks, rods and brushes for all four of those drummers.