This is an probably an early [c.1930] Slingerland Tone Flange 5" x 14", (5&1/2" with the aluminum tone flange), in solid walnut with solid maple glue rings. It is 100% original except for the heads. The 10 screws that the ring sits on are screwed directly into the solid shell. These were manufactured between 1929 and 1934. The ten tube lug, #113, 5 X 14 Solid Walnut "Artist' Model" was offered in all the catalogs within that date range. After that, they changed to the #846 "Radio King" casings on all the top line models. The batter head is a special oversize with a thinner flesh hoop... Quite a pain for Ryan McKay to make - see last photo with Bovid on the head... Thank you Ryan for persevering! His head sounds WAY better than the custom Remo head that came with the drum. The sound is powerful and very focused with a crisp snare sound and a BIG center note, with plenty of openness when played toward the edge. Thanks also to Brooks Tegler for his expertise on this all all things Slingerland.
Slingerland Artist Model Tone Flange Snare