This is the Bob Meyer Model snare drum built by Adrian Kirchner in 2012. It's dimensions are 7" x 14" with 10 tube lugs and a double throw off for the middle and fanned out silk wire or cable snares. The last three pictures are of the current set up with standard snare wires.

It's constructed of brass in the old school 1920s Ludwig style soldered at the center bead. The bearing edges are also soldered back to the shell as in the 1920s Ludwigs. It's plated in 24k gold.
As it came, it's was very crisp and dry due to the 2 sets of cable or silk wires. After much deliberation and advice from my dear friend and master drummer Harvey Sorgen, I somewhat reluctantly took of the original wires and the tension adjuster for the fanned wires and substituted a 16 strand set of vintage regular wires and VOILA! The drum opened up while still retaining it's crispness and articulation. I'm presently using a kangaroo drum head from Kentville Drums of Australia. The drum is immensely powerful. It's warm a full from ppp to FFFF!