I’m calling this my “Cab Calloway” Set. In my opinion, this set is the epitome of vintage Jazz sophistication and elegance. I have been working on it for a year +.
This is a 1958 Walberg & Auge Set in stunning new White Marine Pearl. ALL hardware is 100% original and beautiful. For this set, W&A used 3-Ply Keller shells from Rogers, Rogers drawn brass “coffin” lugs, t-rods & claws, muffler, Tall-Boy rims, floor mounts & legs and bass spurs. Ludwig tom mount, bass mount, cymbal mount and cymbal stand.
The set has been re-wrapped using the exact same WMP wrap originally coming from Delmar then and now. The original wrap was completely shot, crazed, cracked and dark brown on one side and dark yellow on the other. All wrap and seams have been installed EXACTLY the way it was done in 1958 - grommets too.
I had the idea to paint the wood hoops gloss white a few weeks ago after seeing the new wrap, and I am SO happy I did. It looks gorgeous.
The set consists of a 13” tom-tom, 16” floor tom and a 20” bass drum. Also original to the set is a Rogers 5” x 14” COB Dyna•Sonic and two Ludwig flat-base cymbal stands. I sent photos to the original owners (father and son) following the restoration, they were floored. I can’t take my eyes off this set. Yes, it sounds even better then it looks.
Stay tuned...
Edward Tucker
Fate Up
Studio 3T
1958 Walberg & Auge WMP Set Restored