I’ve had a long relationship with Nashville working drummer Matt Crouse, since around 2000. Matt started his Working Drummer Podcast in January of 2015 and it has grown in size and scope to be THE source for those interested in what it's like to be a professional "working drummer”. Matt is a great interviewer. Matt interviewed me early on: #12 out of nearly 400 episodes now. Recently Matt invited me to sit in on episode #395, an interview with long time Nashville drummer, John Dittrich, of the Restless Heart band - who recently retired. John and I are ooooold friends. We went to college together in our early twenties and our careers paralleled each other in many ways. We had some stories to tell in this one. Click here to hear the episode.
AND if you hadn’t heard enough of my voice in that episode, here is the April 2015 episode #12 with me and Matt.
Matt Crouse and George Lawrence
John Dittrich