John Crocken makes great traditional marching and concert drum sticks - no doubt about it. One particular model that he makes from Persimmon or Brazilian Cherry is a replica of Gus Moeller’s “perfect” drum stick. John is selling the Moeller sticks at a Christmas special price; $60 including shipping and that includes a copy of Moeller’s stationary (which is pretty cool - I’m framing mine).

I tried these sticks just recently and have to agree that they have the perfect bounce and play effortlessly. They are very long and have a long taper. For you drummers who are not concert or marching drummers, they would make a perfect practice pad stick.
John Says: "Sanford A Moeller was George M. Cohen's drummer and known for his "Moeller method" or "Moeller technique". In 1925 his book was published by Ludwig in which he described his unique stick. I have duplicated this stick after many hours of work. It is 5/8" thick and 17 1/4" in length. Augustus was his middle name hence-Gus. He taught Gene Krupa and William F. Ludwig Sr., but his most enduring student was Jim Chapin. Jim dedicated his Drumset book to Gus. Jim was the best advocate of the Moeller technique. Check out his Video--He was a wonderful man. He gave a drum clinic for me when I taught at Catonsville community college around 1980."
Buy the Christmas special - The "Holy Grail" of Drumsticks. It is offered in Persimmon and Brazilian cherry (20 to 30 grams heavier) --$50 + $10 shipping. - Paypal to this e mail Please include your name, address and phone #.