Slingerland Dealer Holy Grail kinda day. 1928 Slingerland “Speed Sticks” Dealer Only Point of Sale Counter Top Drumstick Display. You don’t find “Speed Sticks” advertised in Slingerland catalogs after the early 1930s. I believe that this is one of two still in existence today, and also one of the very first if not the first dealer display items ever made by the Slingerland company. It’s very well made from solid hardwood and painted in the colors Slingerland used on the body and imprinted type on the drumsticks of that era. Showing here filled with Slingerland Gene Krupa, Barrett Deems and Buddy Rich drumsticks. It is now one of the most prized vintage drum items that is not a drum. I’m staring at it in awe!!!
(Slingerland Dealer Sheet courtesy of my friend and Slingerland Professor, Mr. Brooks Tegler)
Stay tuned…
Edward Tucker
Fate Up
Studio 3T
1928 Slingerland “Speed Sticks” Counter Top Drumstick Display.