In today’s corner I present to you one of the rarest catalogs from one of the most difficult eras to find any drum catalog from, early 1940s World War II.
At a scant 23 pages long because of war paper drives it is not a thick catalog like the ones prior to World War II. The paper drive effort conducted during the war is another reason why so few of these survived, and frankly why not many of any drum catalogs or much of any paper survives printed prior to World War II.
One reason this is also one of my favorite catalogs besides the fact that only a handful are known exist is that it highlights one of my personal sets that you can see in the photos.
Not only does it highlight one of the sets in my personal collection, it also, for the first time shows me one of the rarest snare drum stands, also in my personal collection. The extremely rare all wood No. 7390.
After many, many years of searching I had just recently acquired this example earlier this year.
As is true for my rather extensive catalog collection, this rare slice of historic drum ephemera will reside in the archive permanently.
As always, that you for reading my columns, I truly do appreciate it and enjoy your feedback.
Thank you!!!
Stay tuned…
Edward Tucker
Studio 3T
Edward Tucker’s Catalog Corner- WWII Leedy Dreadnaught