I acquired this very rare Harry Bower snare drum over ten years ago. I really didn’t put much stock in it at first. But when I got it in the studio a little while later and did my research I was thoroughly impressed. The drum is only one of two (one is in the drum museum in the Midwest) known in this style, and even these two are both different. So in reality, this is the only known example. I’ll explain.
Mr. Harry Bower was an extremely prolific inventor when it came to snare drums, always and consistently improving one over the last. If you are lucky enough to have seen the similar model you will notice the tweaks and improvements.
Yes, this is THE same Harry Bower who authored the world famous Harry Bower Imperial Method instructional drum book.
Let’s talk about the construction of the drum and then I’ll discuss the restoration.
The shell is solid steam bent maple with maple re-rings. As this is a true floating shell snare (and maybe the first modern sized one), the hoops are solid 1/2” steel with calfskin heads wrapped around them. On the snare side hoop there are three tapped threaded holes, two hold the strainer, and one hold the butt end. This may also be the first ever rail-style wire bridge as well. The entire strainer/wire setup is basically one unit made up of many different parts and all are adjustable. It really is genius work on Mr. Bowers part considering it is 102 years old! The man was a true trailblazer and pioneer. The entire snare mechanism is nickel plated and incorporates wound metal wires. The system is adorned with patents from 1917 and 1919 respectively.
This snare is 6” x 14”, and yes, that is the original calf batter head!
The diamond shaped nickel Bower badge is patent dated as well and is nailed through the shell with a diamond shaped solid leather backer. There are two vent holes fitted with Bakelite grommets.
Inside the shell is the most glorious drum builder label I have ever seen. It boasts of Harry’s photo and some of the finest salesmanship puffing of the time.
It reads:
“The Bower Drum”
“A New Creation”
Invented and manufactured by the world’s authority on drums and drumming and the author of the Harry A. Bower system. Pat. Aug. 14, 1917 patent Jan. 8, 1918 slotted hoop pattern Dec. 30, 1919. No. 859 Harry A. Bower Boston, Mass. June 27, (19)23.
Somewhere along the line most of the “lugs and hooks” got lost, and I understand why. See, this drum has its original canvas bag, and it shuts utilizing snaps. That leaves many open gaps. When the original snare side head broke it released the tension and most of them simply fell off. Well, over one hundred years of getting moved around…, you get the picture.
After sitting on this drum for many years I decided last year it was time to do the full restoration. Enter Aaron Latos of Latos drums, yes, the same guy who built the Zildjian 400th anniversary masterpiece snares. I contacted him last year and we discussed what I needed to get this done. After many months of ideas, messages and back and forth discussions we had a plan. Twelve new machined “lugs & hooks” made from solid stainless steel. Polished, they look incredibly similar to their original nickel plated steel counterparts. I also needed an original drum key to tighten or loosen them. I asked him to make a straight drum key with an end to go through the hole in the center of the lug, but not to protrude out the other side thus scratching the outer shell. He not only manufactured EXACT replicas of the original “lugs & hooks”, but made me two matching drum keys! These drum keys sit in the throw-off after adjusting and holds the throw in place. The turnbuckle lugs and hooks, as he calls them, were no easy task, one side is normal threads, the other side is reverse theads, Not a job for the faint of heart considering the very small tolerances he had to work with. They all came out perfect and beautifully! Thank you Aaron for the precision work and expertise!
I shipped the one-of-a-kind steel bottom hoop out to Cooperman Rope Drum to replace and tuck a new calfhead. They did a beautiful job and so unbelievably quick it was shocking. Thank you Patrick and Jim!
Today I received the new parts from Latos Drums and it was assembly time. For the first time in who knows how many decades this drum would sing again. It has been a great thrill to finally see it all come together after so long.
I can’t express to you how ahead of its time this drum actually was. Even today it functions and operates perfectly and sounds outstanding! It has a very nice mellow booming sound but is also super sensitive as well. I dare say that this could be used in many different applications as is. However, I will only be putting brushes to it as it is a calfskin head snare.
In closing, I must say this has been a wonderful journey, and if you read my column to this point I really appreciate you and all your comments as usual. Thank you!!!
Stay tuned…
Edward Tucker
Studio 3T
10+ Years Waiting, 100+ Years in the Making, 1923 Harry Bower Snare