my life, apparently. It turned out to be a lick that I’ve been using for years. Useful, but hardly life changing ... and after such a great build-up.
Read moreHow important are sticking patterns?
So, if one sticking pattern is so amazingly useful, why bother to learn more? Well the key word here is ‘learn’. There are some stickings that we want to commit to memory as solidly as we can. These are the workhorse stickings. They're the sounds and patterns we rely on day to day. Then there are stickings that are meant only as exercises
Read moreAnd now for something completely different!
We all need something to make us smile, and I can practically guarantee the following will provoke a smile—perhaps even a chuckle. It's an unusual and amusing photo of the best drum student I ever had.
Read moreMore Five Minute Drum Set Lessons with George Lawrence
Here’s the playlist of the eight videos that are on YouTube so far. I have eight more in the can that will be uploaded soon. Enjoy!
Read moreMaking Things Personal
It was an after-hours open stage club in the heart of the jazz district, and our budding jazz band had arranged to play a set -- our first venture outside the practice room. The resident drums were just awful.
Read moreLiving With Hearing Damage
Since I decided to come out about my hearing issues, a lot of people have asked me for some insight. It seems I’m not the only one who has paid a price for playing too loud, too long and too often.
Read moreEpisode #3 Video; 5 minute lessons with George Lawrence - Garibaldi Sevens
Episode #3 of 5 minute lessons with George Lawrence. This is a linear groove that Steve Klink taught me when I was teaching at Fork’s Drum Closet in the nineties; The Garibaldi Seven.
Read moreEnding on an Upbeat
Another sticking challenge from that rascal sage, Joel Rothman
Read moreCymbal Guarantees
Most companies will guarantee a newly purchased cymbal against certain types of breakage, but it ends there. If a player breaks a replacement cymbal, all love is lost and the cymbal will not be replaced. The rational is that the owner/player must be doing something wrong or just plain abusing their bronze.
Read moreEverything I Know About Bearing Edges
I'm So Confused
And so you should be. Options you may hear about bearing edges include: round-over, 30 degree, 45 degree, dual-45, reverse 45, 45 with round-over, bull-nose, baseball bat, vintage round-over. There are also different theories, applications, claims, boasts, and myths.
5 Minute Lessons with George Lawrence - #2 Flamacue Shuffle
Here is the second video in the series "5 minute Drum Lessons w George Lawrence" shot at Memphis Drum Shop . We are publishing once a week on Saturdays. Hopefully there will be many more to come.
Read moreFive minute Lessons with George Lawrence - 6 and 3 Stroke Rolls
Here is the first of 8 videos in the series "5 minute Drum Lessons w George Lawrence" shot at Memphis Drum Shop . We are publishing once a week on Saturdays. Hopefully there will be many more to come. This can also be found on Just scroll down the front page.
Read moreVideo of George Lawrence - "Groovin' in Memphis" video series w Chris Pat Brown
George Lawrence talking and playing with Chris Pat Brown at Memphis Drum Shop.
Read moreWe’ve Got Something To Say
One night, while sitting at a club not far from where I lived, one of my favourite local players came off the stage and made his way to my table. He was not his usual smiling self, and as he sat down he said, “Some people just got nothin’ to say.”
Read moreTraditional Grip From The Ground Up
All Crotchety
The traditional grip fulcrum will always be in the crotch of the thumb and first finger. Hold out your left hand (unless you're a lefty) as if you were going to shake someone's hand and put your stick firmly in the above-mentioned crotch.
When I was younger, studying full percussion, my piano teacher was always trying to get me to sit up straight. Easier said than done. And while practicing drums and mallets it’s near impossible to not be bending over.
Read moreGetting Your Drum Book Published
Most of the time I find the writer has not done their homework in researching other books to discover what has been published on the same subject. That research can take a lot of time, but it’s necessary if you don’t want to waste your time submitting material that's already available.
Read moreHow to Succeed
Buddy Rich said it well enough: "Be on time, wear a clean shirt and swing your ass off!” Despite Buddy's penchant for homely sweaters, his advice goes a long way toward spelling out the expectations (the basic requirements of the job) of being a pro, or at least desirable. I used to tell my business students something similar: Show up on time, wear the right clothes, and do what you were hired to do to the best of your ability.
Read moreThe Family of Paradiddles
Aside from single and double strokes, paradiddles are the most often used sticking patterns in drumming. In the family of paradiddles there are four standard types—single paradiddles, double paradiddles, triple paradiddles, and paradiddle-diddles. The following highlights each family along with their inversions.
Read moreMy Latest Drum Blog; Jim Blackley Page 97 Up Close and Personal
I am a staunch disciple of renowned drum teacher Jim Blackley. His death in 2018 at the tender age of 86 silenced his voice, but it needn’t cut us off from his legacy and extraordinary teaching.
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