I have just purchased this 1970s Slingerland Pop Outfit in recent days. The toms are standard sizes 12, 13, 16 and as you can see, single headed. The rockers in the 70s were removing the bottom heads to get a dry funky sound from their drums. Most of the drum companies decided to just make the drums with top heads only to basically get that sound the pop drummers wanted.
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Lathing (Photo by DrumShed member kerry8319
From 2009 until 2013 Rob Stapleton built the website, "P.D. Good's Builder's Manual", (www.pdgood/ drumshed) which is a compilation of searches on topics important to drum builders supplemented by correspondence and conversations with various manufacturers and individual drum builders, and excerpts from related forums, such as wood worker's and ecology forums. It is STILL the #1 result in a google search for 'how to build a drum'. Rob has graciously given us permission to republish from that wealth of information. He wanted us to acknowledge the now defunct sites drumshed.org and drumtown.info, and all the drum builders out there who contributed to this treasure trove of information.
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