A vintage Ludwig drum made after 1963 that does not have a serial number creates much confusion and spirited debate. Few today agree on why or how drums escaped the factory with badges lacking serial numbers. Theories are often strongly expressed but weakly supported. Although speculation and conjecture are a part of the wonderful world of vintage drums, many incorrect statements become truth through repetition. This study looks at 332 vintage Ludwig drums that have badges without serial numbers.
Read moreHow America’s Bicentennial Impacted Ludwig Drum Dating

One lesson learned here is when you see a listing for a drum from 1976, think twice before believing that date. A related lesson is that if you have drum with a serial number in the lower part of Mr. Cook’s 917xxx – 1290xxx range, do not describe it as being from 1976. There is no harm just listing the serial number and letting others take their best guess. They will probably look it up online, and just perhaps they will see this article and think twice before declaring it to be from 1976.
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