Well, let’s see. What’s new? The year! It’s a new year! All my vintage drums are now more “vintagey”.
The 2015 Nashville Drum Show is still a go for late September though I have not set an exact date yet. I want to move it to a new and better location this year and am working toward that end. Stay tuned.
There is a special deal on the paper back issues still in print– half price! $49 compared to the regular price of $99. That’s 29 issues dating from ’98 through 2012– all the paper back issues left in stock – for half price through February 15. Shipping is $11. That comes out to around $2 an issue!
(Click here to order)
Many of our readers have services and products that they need to spread the word about. Not So Modern Drummer is an excellent venue for advertising your self and your goods for sale on our website, in our monthly newsletter and in our email blasts to our 30,000 subscribers and our social media channels. We have special low rates for teachers, authors, vintage drum and parts sellers, and custom drum builders. We are currently offering a very popular heavily discounted package that includes ads on our site, in our newsletter and includes up to four product reviews. Please contact me about those special rates – george@notsomoderndrummer.com.
My condolences to the families, friends and fans of the staff workers of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine that were killed in Paris by militant religious and political extremists. All of us who understand freedom and enjoy the quality of life it affords us must condemn the actions of those cowards who killed in the name of God. Those of us in the journalism business have learned that freedom of the press and freedom of speech is more sacred than any religious or political ideology. Anyone who thinks that his god is commanding him to hate or kill is deluded and lying to himself and everyone else. We must strive for peace through education about freedom through the eradication of religious prejudice, and through the preaching of tolerance and the difference between faith and facts. We must also protect freedom of speech by standing up to those who think they can use fear and terror to suppress it.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035 george@notsomoderndrummer.com