Hello, A couple of years ago I recorded to rope drums made by Captain Stephen Emory and posted it on YouTube. Please feel free to use it in your web presentation. It’s about as true and authentic presentation as we could muster. Hope you enjoy. Peter Emerick.
Read moreBob Parker - A Different Drummer - with the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp in President John Kennedy's Funeral Procession

The only drum pattern that was played during the entire 3-4 days was a cadence that our Head Drummer came up with. It was a simple pattern as a way for all the drummers that participated could learn in a short amount of time. The pattern was Flam, Flam, Flam, 7 Stroke Roll-Flam, Flam, Flam, 7 Stroke Roll- Flam, Flam, Flam, 7 Stroke Roll - Flam, Flam, Flam Tap! The drums were covered in that shroud that my mother had sewn, and the snares were turned off. This cadence was played at a very slow tempo [approx. 78 B.P.M.] using 3s sticks. One interesting side note was that only Drummers participated in the funeral. There were no other instruments used during the entire 3-4 days of ceremonies! Quite an honor!
Read more"Of Splendor and Elegance"
Formally part of the famed William Guthman Collection of Early Americana, this sturdy relic was hand-crafted and painted by Stephen Emory, of Rindge, NH.
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