When jazz drumming giant Elvin Jones passed away in 2004, his wife Keiko was left with the daunting task of handling his vast estate. Elvin had two apartments in New York City. He and Keiko lived in one; and the other was strictly for his drums.
Read moreElvin Jones' Personal Gig Poster Collection

Over the 14 years I’ve known Keiko, she has shared countless Elvin stories. One reoccurring story was about a collection of Elvin’s promotional posters they’d collected in their 30 plus years of touring the world. They came up in conversation many times, but we never discussed them in much detail. Earlier this year, the posters came up again. I eventually purchased the posters along with a forgotten cache of Elvin’s gear that had been stored in a friends garage in New Jersey (more about that soon). The posters arrived in a couple of Elvin’s old Jazz Machine trap cases. There were about 100 unique posters, photos and paintings, many of them with multiples, that Elvin and Keiko personally collected from gigs spanning 4 decades. They were collected from all over Europe, Asia, South America and the US.
Read moreArt prints of famous drummers and drums
We use FineArtAmerica to sell, print, frame, and ship our art for drummers. The link to our gallery at that site is http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/notsomoderndrummer.html Our first collection is that of Michael DeGruchy Haslam, a Canadian artist who has painted some very cool caricature portraits of famous jazz drummers. He is painting all the time so check back often to see what's new. Other images will be available very soon. In the slide show below are his current paintings available to buy: Philly Joe Jones, Baby Dodds, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Kenny Klook Clarke, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Big Sid Catlett, Papa Jo Jones, Miles Davis/Sonny Rollins.
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