It is a ‘One Of-A Kind’ treasure in that it is the first (right side) mounted tom Gene used with the Benny Goodman Trio/Quartet in the 1936 period.
Read moreGene Krupa Drum used w Benny Goodman

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The first vintage & Custom Drum Magazine, since 1988
It is a ‘One Of-A Kind’ treasure in that it is the first (right side) mounted tom Gene used with the Benny Goodman Trio/Quartet in the 1936 period.
Read more“Hey George. Hope you and yours are doing well. I was prepared to approach drum magazines and other publications about this historic discovery that I found for my boss, Charlie Watts in which he gave me a portion of the items as my commission. I have decided to sell some of these pieces. But the same week I finished the website the entire world went straight into lockdown.. So I’ve been waiting until the time seems right, which seems like a month from now? Would you like to show this story on NSMD? Ideally I want to present this in all the appropriate magazines at the same time so the word gets out all at once and every collector has the opportunity to purchase. check it out!”
Read moreWhen we got to my friend's home, he had the Slingerland set on the porch and also a big 26" Ludwig clear maple bass drum and 14"mounted tom there also. Along with these he had a few extra goodies that he was willing to sell as well. Well, what to do? Buy it all even if it's going to be tight in the car getting it home, that's what. My wife is a good sport, but this was trying her patience with me. I briefly thought about leaving her with my friend. No, I'm kidding, I was determined to get her and the drums home and not make the three-hour trip back to get all the drums. We were crushed in the front seats, but we made it safely back home
Read moreWe explore the entire life of the legendary Gene Krupa! I speak with Brooks Tegler about Genes beginnings in the early 1920's through his false conviction in 1943, all the way up to his death in 1973. In addition to being being such a revolutionary musician, Gene was a true gentleman and had a very rich and interesting life. Gene is responsible for many innovations in drumming that took the drum set from the "trap drums" of the early 1900's to what we now consider the modern drum set. Brooks Tegler is an expert on the subject of Krupa and his equipment and I'm honored that he took the time to share his knowledge with me!
Read moreSometimes a set just thrills you to no end and gets your heart racing, this is one of those sets. Allow me to introduce my latest addition to the Studio 3T arsenal. 1963 Slingerland Gene Krupa Deluxe Outfit No. 1N with the upgraded Solid Shell 1-Ply Radio King 3-Point Strainer Snare all in Sparkling Blue Pearl.
13”, 16”, 22”, 5.5” x 14” RK.
The Gladstone name ranks right up there with all the drum innovators in history, Ludwig, Leedy, Way, Strauss, etc, but he also has the distinction of being a world class snare drummer. Even the not so humble Buddy Rich claimed he was the best.
Read moreAccording to Slingerland’s catalogs, the “Ben Pollack “Radio King” model was only produced for two years, between 1936-1938. This is a significant reason why this model is extremely rare and desirable. Also, the drum consumers of the day were placing overwhelming orders to Slingerland for the Krupa model. All of this was certainly because of Gene Krupa’s major popularity and drumming success.
Read moreI recently had an idea after looking at some old black and white vintage drummer photos. What I wanted to do was set up a photo shoot with one of my vintage kits and pose like the old drummers did in those cool promotional photos.
Read moreAt the risk of being accused of practicing sorcery, I assume you are a drum history buff. If, on the off chance, like me, you are also a movie buff and the subject of tonight's “Movie Quiz” meeting is Taxi Driver, I have great news. Simply reading the remainder of this article, you will impress everyone in the room and be the envy of all your colleagues. Are you ready?
Read moreWe use FineArtAmerica to sell, print, frame, and ship our art for drummers. The link to our gallery at that site is Our first collection is that of Michael DeGruchy Haslam, a Canadian artist who has painted some very cool caricature portraits of famous jazz drummers. He is painting all the time so check back often to see what's new. Other images will be available very soon. In the slide show below are his current paintings available to buy: Philly Joe Jones, Baby Dodds, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Kenny Klook Clarke, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Big Sid Catlett, Papa Jo Jones, Miles Davis/Sonny Rollins.
Read moreIn 1940 Slingerland decided to go back to the drawing board and create a new Radio King snare drum model. This model would become known as the “New Super Gene Krupa Model” with a unique and innovative strainer system which became known as the "clam shell" strainer. Unlike the Gene Krupa 6.5” x 14” model with the three point strainer and eight center streamline lugs, this new Radio King snare had been drastically redesigned.
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